Our Driving Principles
• Support in the best way we can,
• Love those whom we help as our own family and friends,
• Preserve the Dignity of all those whom we help.
Whether financial, shelter, food, health, or academic support, we work within our budget to help our recipients gain a sense of stability. Working with networks of volunteers, healthcare professionals, educators, social workers, and various professionals, we both reduce the costs of direct aid while increasing control over the quality of support we provide.
The cornerstone of our philosophy is that love must be inherent in all that we do. Believing aid recipients to be our own family and equals, love becomes a deserved component to any support we provide, and closer bonds are fostered within our community.
Ultimately, our most important goal is to preserve the dignity of those whom we help. Our number one goal is for our aid recipients to not see themselves as beggars or us as benevolent philanthropists. Our relationship must be one of equals. In the case of children and those supported through individual volunteers, our members follow the philosophy of the “Hidden Charity & Dignity Pledge.”